Join Juneteena Freeman, a remarkable superhero whose unique powers stem from the "crown" connection all the way up to the hairs of her head as an antenna to the universe. She embarks on thrilling adventures that celebrate the spirit of Juneteenth and inspires readers of all ages.
While searching for historical truths Juneteena Freeman must not forget to search within herself as she gets closer to understanding her powers.
Based on Book 1 of the comic book series, "The Adventures of Juneteena Freeman"
Cameron knows the POWER of the CROWN! She has held the titles of Little Miss Juneteenth Tampa Bay, Little Miss Juneteenth Florida, and Little Miss Juneteenth USA 1st runner up in 2023. This graduating 5th grader will be going to the 6th grade this year with royalty under her belt. She loves and acknowledges the importance of Juneteenth history and is a Juneteenth ambassador in the program created by Dr. Philetha Tucker-Johnson.
"My baby daughter dressed up as the Juneteena Freeman superhero for her school's Prowl Parade." - Syretta, her mother
Reader's Review
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The Adventures of Juneteena Freeman comic book 2 is COMING SOON!!
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